Is Self-Respect more important than the Person you are in Love with?

Yes it is.

3 min readFeb 10, 2020
Image by Vera Arsic from Pexels

There is a saying that we all know, “There is no rule in love and war.”

The sentence justifies itself.

When you find yourself doing something for someone without any logical reason, then probably you are in love with that person. Congratulations and welcome to the world of love.

The signs and symptoms which you show clearly illustrate your condition to that person (whom you have fallen in love with) if you are not ugly enough (at least decent enough to be noticed), then that other person also enjoys the passion you have for him/her during this period. They may pretend that they haven’t recognized your feelings. But trust me, they actually did.

Love happens.

It needs no reason to suddenly appear in someone’s life by someone.

So eventually you let the other person know about your feelings for him/her and he/she comes to the stage of realization from the stage of pretending. Two things can happen here. Either you will get rejected or you will get an answer that is neither ‘yes’ nor ‘no’.

Confusions can lead you to many more sleepless nights. And finally when you find the answer is yes, your joys know no bound. You feel divine and eternal happiness for the very first time in your life. I respect this feelings (who doesn’t)

But the problem is there are too many people in this planet that have gone through these cycles so many times. Now for them, they are well prepared or I should say this way, they know how to diplomatically handle their love life.

True love, does it really exist?

Well from my point of view there is nothing called true love or false love. Love happens for a reason, whether you acknowledge it or not. Human brain as well as body is designed in such a way that we always feel lonely and expect someone to rescue us from this loneliness.

Money cannot buy love, but it can for sure rescue you from situations that is beyond your control. Rich people cry so does poor.

Love is precious, so does Gold.

May be that’s the reason we engage with someone exchanging gold rings. I have no objection about these norms. But point to be noted here, love requires some sort of sponsorship and it won’t be anything better, you become the sponsor of your love life.

Love loves equality.

Although we prefer unconditional love and are accustomed with watching movies that shows successful love stories between the poor and the rich. In real life “Love loves equality”

In terms of everything i.e.: money, power, passion, interest, likes, dislikes, hobby etc. When we choose someone to be our life partner we eagerly try to find the similarities between us and that person (we have chosen)

The Love Equation:

It is all about creating a balance between you and your partner.

First of all, your love has to be mutual. It means when you feel a certain way about a person, make sure that other person does feel the same for you.

Second, if you are in a live in relationship make sure you both contribute equally when it comes to doing household chores as well as lifting financial burdens (paying bills)

Third, if you have got kids make sure you both spend equal time (with kids) as well as take equal responsibility to raise the kids.

Now let’s get back to the famous love quote we mentioned at the very beginning of this post.

“There is no rule in love and war.” So the quote is true, but only for a certain timeline of your life.

Why Self-Respect is more important than Love?

I will simply answer this.

If you cannot take your responsibility, it is unlikely that you can take responsibility of others’ in your life.

Same way,

If you cannot love yourself, you cannot love someone else.

Love is powerful. Powerful enough to enrich or destroy someone. If Self-Respect is not there, then chances of exploitation (one by another) is high, which will eventually lead to a broken relationship. Breaking leaves scars and often time it is hard to remove (those scars) from your mind.

